- 02 33 65 50 17- mbjformation@gmail.com
Beginner training F.L.E example Sequence 1: A / a few words concerning the French language. Effective methods of language learning. B / fundamentals of Phonetics, spelling and grammar (Support to develop in subsequent sequences) C /Professional vocabulary learning – Exchange and dialogue with the speaker on topics related to the sector of professional activity •the alphabet and phonetic signs – reading simple texts, •the pronunciation and writing •the vowels and consonants •the accents •the verbs of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd group •Time •the blogs •the pronouns •construction of phrases •the agreements •the vibrations vowel (phonetic changes) and consonant (variations) •the ‘ accentuation and intonation
Sequence 2: Introductions Stand (to make friends, rdv, meeting) •i’m…, I… years, I live… •salutations and farewells •SAT, professions
Grammar: present: be, have, be known, live, talk – conjugation (at the present), pronouns staff, accent and pronunciation Kind of names, agreement of adjectives Questions: What, who, how? How?
Sequence 3: Ask the date, age, Phone number (i.e. spell), road, price,… •the numbers from 1 to 100 •the day of the week, months, seasons •the dates •the time •Thanking someone •know the formulas for politeness Grammar: plural form of names, Cardinal and ordinal numbers. (Questions: when?) MINIMALISM? How many? What…. ? ) Names, masculine and feminine plural of the instrumental. Present/past/future of the verb ‘go’, and the verb ‘having ‘.
Sequence 4: Present his family, his friends •describe the composition of the family •Oral practice, namely introduce yourself and your family, ways to be polite • identify the person Grammar: conjugation of the verb like, work, prefer, make. The degrees of comparison of adjectives: the superlative. The negative form with « … not, never, do not… neither. Personal pronouns
Sequence 5: Take a coffee.. •the drinks •Identification of objects and their place prepositions Grammar: Conjugation of the verb ‘can and want ‘.The simple present/future and past verbs: eat, drink. Future times and the past verbs: go and talk
Sequence 6: Departure for abroad (Conversation on the phone) Namely, buy tickets, get information, reserve the hotel. Grammar: Expressions of the future. Phrases: « I would like to + infinitive. Conjugation of the verb « want ». The pronoun reflected: (se) verbs Se washing, dressing…
Sequence 7: A visit from friends – talk about their projects, their problems, their feelings (using the past, present and future). •Professional and recreational activities. Grammar: Aspect imperfective and perfective verbs. Proposals introduced by because
Sequence 8: Education and work: •Schools, school life, production workshops, products, office equipment •How to express your motivations, justify your choice, write simple letters, wishes (e-mail, phone) •Possessive pronouns
Grammar: Questions: “how long…. Interrogative questions ‘what’s… » and «the reversal subject – verb.
Sequence 9: Population of France. •Initiation to geography, the history of France Grammar: Prepositions of place (rental words), interrogative sentences Sequence 10: Visit with friends. Make an appointment.
Sequence 10: Visit with friends. Make an appointment. •Speak about experience, your express opinions, speak about the time,f the future. •Vocabulary: description of a place, an event. Grammar: prepositions of distance. Use personal pronouns
Sequence 11: At a restaurant •Food vocabulary and expressions used at a restaurant Volume, politeness .Preposition: « with/before / after.
Sequence 12: Urban transport. Means of transport •car – construction and equipment •The road •the train station •Plane, airport •Boat, port, harbor Grammar: Conditional sentences.
Sequence 13: The Bank and money. Grammar: Comparative adjectives of equality, superiority and inferiority
Sequence 14: Sport, leisure and recreation Vocabulary: tastes, preferences Grammar: The use of comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs .Possessive pronouns
Sequence 15: Nature and the environment. Animals. •the weather and climate •Catastrophes •Plants, flowers • Animals Grammar: Demonstrative pronouns. The 2nd person singular imperative
Sequence 16: A visit to the doctor •Doctor and medical auxiliaries •Exams •Types of drugs and the pharamcy •Bandages, equipment and medical instruments •hospitals, clinics •care, treatment, operations Grammar: Demonstrative pronouns. The 3rd person singular and plural imperative
Sequence 17: The human body, diseases.
Sequence 18: Privacy.
Sequence 19: Housing. Vocabulary
Sequence 20: Food and beverages Vocabulary
Sequence 21: Stores, shopping Vocabulary
Sequence 22: Clothing Vocabulary
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Paris janvier 2025 Merci à Catherine MEYER de ETS pour son accueil et cette formation bien utile pour mettre nos compétences à jour sur cette certification mondialement reconnue. Nous avons En savoir plus
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